movie theaters

Cinema ’76 San Juan is closing

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Cinema ’76 San Juan is closing

CINEMA '76. The micro-cinema's San Juan branch is flocked by people pre-pandemic.

Cinema '76's Facebook account

TBA Studios' 'micro-cinema' is shutting down its pioneer branch

The San Juan branch of independent theater Cinema ’76 is closing its doors on September 15.

The Cinema ’76 Film Society announced the closure in a Friday, September 10 Facebook post.

“Our hearts may be heavy, but we know that this is not goodbye. We believe in the resilience of creatives in the industry. We believe in the passion of Filipino movie fans,” they said. 

The so-called micro-cinema run by TBA Studios first opened with the San Juan branch in 2016 and has since became a go-to venue for filmmakers and film enthusiasts alike.

Meanwhile, the Cinema ’76 branch in Anonas, Quezon City, will stay open once COVID-19 restrictions allow. 

Most theaters and cinemas have remained closed in the Philippines throughout the pandemic, and filmmakers have turned to online platforms to release their movies. – 

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