Hollywood movies

‘We Bare Bears’ movie to premiere in September 2020


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‘We Bare Bears’ movie to premiere in September 2020
Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear will be starring in their very first full-length feature film! Here's where you can catch it.

Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear are finally getting their big break!

We Bare Bears The Movie, the adorable trio’s first made-for-television feature film, will be premiering across Asia on Cartoon Network on September 12, 2020.

It will also be available to watch on Boomerang, Warner TV Asia, OhK TV Asia, HBO Asia, HBO Family, HBO Go, and the Cartoon Network Watch and Play App.

“When the bears’ love of food trucks and viral videos gets out of hand, it catches the attention of the menacing Agent Trout from the National Wildlife Control, who pledges to restore the “natural order” by separating them forever,” reads the movie’s synopsis on the We Bare Bear’s website.

“Chased from their home, Grizz decides there’s only one thing they can do to find refuge – move to Canada! The Bears embark on an epic road trip filled with new friends, dangerous obstacles, and massive parties.”

Ultimately, the journey will “force the Bears to face how they first met and became brothers,” in order to keep their family bond from splitting apart.

The development of We Bare Bears The Movie was first announced in May 2019. It is based on the hit Emmy-nominated and award-winning American cartoon series created by two-time Annie Award-winner Daniel Chong.

It first aired in 2015, and the 3 cuddly characters have been the face of various products – from plushies to cosmetics – since then. – Rappler.com

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