Mariah Carey in Manila for Oct 28 concert

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Mariah Carey in Manila for Oct 28 concert
The singer is in town for ‘The Elusive Chanteuse Show’ scheduled at the Mall of Asia Arena
MARIAH IN MANILA. Mariah is set to perform at the Mall of Asia Arena, on Tuesday, October 28. Photo by Sebastien Nogier/EPA

MANILA, Philippines – Pop diva Mariah Carey arrived here early Monday morning for her concert at the Mall of Asia Arena on Tuesday, October 28.

The singer arrived around 3 am, according to her Instagram post. She even posted videos of her arrival at the airport.





“Thank you #Manila #lambily for the incredible welcome. I love you much!!! Can’t wait to see you at the show!! #TheElusiveChanteuseShow,” she wrote.

This is the second time that the singer will perform in the Philippines. Her last visit to the country was in 2003 for her Charmbracelet Tour. (READ: Mariah Carey to return to Manila for concert)

One of the most popular singers of all time, Mariah rose to fame in 1990 with her album Mariah Carey. This was followed by other albums, such as Emotions(1991), and Music Box (1993). 

In May 2014, Mariah released her new album Me. I Am Mariah…The Elusive Chanteuse. –

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