Filipino artists

Ben&Ben postpones Dubai show due to COVID-19

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Ben&Ben postpones Dubai show due to COVID-19

Ben&Ben's Facebook

The band was scheduled to perform at the Expo Dubai 2020 on January 27

MANILA, Philippines – Ben&Ben is canceling their upcoming performance in Dubai “due to COVID cases within the band and our team.”

The band was supposed to perform at the Expo Dubai 2020 on January 27. They announced the postponement in a statement posted on social media on January 25. 

“We understand how this will come as a disappointment to many of you who were looking forward to meeting us there, but we as a band decided it to be the best decision in the interest of everyone’s health to postpone the performance,” they said.

They added that a new date will be announced soon. 

“We will make our absolute best effort to nurse ourselves back to the best condition possible to provide you with the quality of performance we have been so excited to share with you,” they said, before thanking their fans.

Ben&Ben has just come off a holiday break, after performing in their first major online concert on December 5, 2021. –

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