
What do PH concert fans want? Decent ticket prices, accessible venues, security, and more

Rappler Entertainment Team

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What do PH concert fans want? Decent ticket prices, accessible venues, security, and more
Aside from the actual show, fans also want to have a good pre- and post- concert experience

Whether you’re a casual listener or a die-hard fan, you probably have an artist you’d like to see perform live. Thankfully, though, the Philippines is a hotspot for music enthusiasts, and passionate fans have gotten more and more chances recently to catch their favorite artists in the flesh.

But with a loaded lineup of acts holding live music events in the country, keeping up with these shows can be overwhelming. Which is why even the most seasoned concert-goers or multi-stans have several other factors they keep in mind before deciding to attend a concert. 

We asked Rappler’s readers about the factors they consider before buying a concert ticket. Here’s what they had to say: 


As demands for some artists get bigger, it’s understandable for them to opt for venues that could cater to larger audiences. And in the Philippines’ case, it would mean holding concerts outside Metro Manila, such as at the Philippine Arena and Sports Stadium in Bulacan and the New Clark City Stadium in Tarlac. 

While many fans are still willing to attend concerts of their favorite artists no matter where they’ll be held, some fans have raised concerns about the accessibility of these show venues. 

Some Rappler readers noted that locations should be accessible by public transportation and have commercial establishments nearby, including hotels and restaurants.

“I don’t mind the venue – a dome, open field, or small auditorium – as long as it is accessible and [there are] options for different routes going in and out,” one comment read. 

Compared to the usual concert venues in Metro Manila such as the Mall of Asia Arena and Araneta Coliseum, fans don’t have access to mass public transportation such as trains, jeepneys, Grab, or Angkas for venues outside Metro Manila. Usually, attendees would have to drive for hours using their private car, or avail of shuttle, bus, or carpooling services. Some also look for nearby accommodations to avoid the pre- and post- concert traffic gridlock. 

Given the distance of these venues, attendees also have to adjust their travel time to ensure that they won’t be affected by traffic. Some of these venues also have limited entrance and exit points, and given the expected turnout of attendees, it could lead to huge vehicle build-ups both before and after the concert. 

In terms of venues, fans also prefer that the location be well-ventilated, that its facilities are of pristine condition (e.g. no broken seats or leaking roof), and that its amenities are easily accessible — meaning, fans won’t have a hard time locating medic stalls, baggage counters, restrooms, ticket and merchandise booths, and parking spots. 

For some, the thought of making additional preparations just to go to these concert venues can be so off-putting that they’d rather miss out on the show. 

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Rappler readers also pointed out that their decision to attend a concert also depends on the organizers in charge of the show. According to their comments, if they’ve had a previous bad experience with a certain organizer, they’d be hesitant to attend another show under that company.

Fans also raised the issue of security and safety during shows. Fans noted that a concert isn’t limited to the actual show only, but also involves their pre- and post- concert experiences. This is why they greatly prefer event organizers that can give them excellent customer service.

These fans prefer to see plenty of marshalls and security personnel and experience properly facilitated queuing. Attendees also hope that organizers are proactive in handling technical issues like light and sound system glitches during the show. 

For a fan attending a concert for the first time, a hands-on organizer could be the key to making their first concert memorable. If they have questions or concerns about the show, it should easily be addressed by these organizers.

It would also be helpful if organizers were open to feedback and evaluations after their events so that they could improve on their services for their next shows. 

Ticket prices

Perhaps one of the biggest factors that concert attendees consider is the ticket price. Although many fans would want to see their favorite artists live, not everyone has the means to purchase a concert ticket.  

Some Rappler readers also pointed out that aside from concert tickets being costly, selling dates also impact their decision. In some cases, ticket selling happens just two weeks after the announcement of the show, not giving fans enough time to save up for a ticket.

Other fans also noted that some shows could get far too expensive — which often results in these shows not selling out. During instances like this, organizers usually announce a change in ticket prices or add more fan perks to make it worth it for the attendees. 

Several readers also griped over current ticketing systems, wherein most of the good seats are secured by scalpers. Some fans who really want to attend these shows end up buying tickets from these scalpers at double or triple the original price. 

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While you could have hundreds of artists rotating on your Spotify playlists, there might only be a handful that you’d like to see perform in person. 

One Rappler reader noted that they’d consider the artist’s stage presence before choosing to attend their concert.

“Most of the concerts I attended, they didn’t have that [performance] factor masyado (much). They just sing. Although that’s nice too and ‘yun ang pinunta mo, pero iba ‘yung feels (and that’s what you go for, it still feels different) if they actually interact with the fans somehow. [It’s a characteristic that] I think most artists lack? [It’s at concerts] where I was able to really experience the difference between artist and performer,” their comment read. 

Some comments also echoed the sentiment, adding that they’d want to be very familiar first with the group that’s performing.

“I should know at least half of their discography before deciding to go,” another comment read. 

How about you? What do you consider when deciding to attend a concert? –

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