Filipino bands

SB19 secures ownership of group name, logo

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SB19 secures ownership of group name, logo

HALF A DECADE. P-pop group SB19 celebrates its 5th anniversary with a fan meet event in Quezon City on October 28, 2023.

Screenshot from Youtube/SB19

'Pablo, Josh, Stell, Ken, and Justin eagerly anticipate reconnecting with all of you in their upcoming endeavors,' 1Z Entertainment says

MANILA, Philippines – P-pop boy group SB19 has secured ownership of its group name and logo, the group’s new label 1Z Entertainment announced on Tuesday, December 5.

SB19 secures ownership of group name, logo

“We formally announce that we have come to an amicable agreement with ShowBT Philippines Corp. through a fair and equitable resolution,” the label wrote in its official statement.

“Thank you for your patience and unwavering support toward SB19 and 1Z Entertainment. Pablo, Josh, Stell, Ken, and Justin eagerly anticipate reconnecting with all of you in their upcoming endeavors. We can’t wait to see you all again soon,” 1Z Entertainment added.

The five-member group announced the establishment of its own agency 1Z Entertainment in October, with Pablo serving as its Chief Executive Officer. Since then, the group has essentially been managing themselves and their own activities.

Following this move, ShowBT had barred the members of SB19 from promoting under that name and using their group logo.

Fans speculated that this legal battle was what led to the cancellation and postponement of numerous stops in their PAGTATAG! world tour as 1Z Entertainment cited “current complexities affecting the tour” as a reason for canceling the Bangkok stop.

ShowBT has yet to issue its own statement on the matter, and further details have yet to be announced by both parties.

SB19 debuted in October 2018 under ShowBT. They are best known for their hits “GENTO,” “MAPA,” “Alab,” and “Go Up,” among others. –

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