WATCH: ‘The Sound of Music’ UK cast performs Lady Gaga mashup

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WATCH: ‘The Sound of Music’ UK cast performs Lady Gaga mashup
See Maria and Captain Von Trapp waltz to 'Bad Romance' and more in 'The Sound of Music' UK cast's Lady Gaga tribute, 'The Sound of Gaga'

MANILA, Philippines – Last year, Lady Gaga paid tribute to The Sound of Music at the 2015 Oscars, and to return the favor, the UK cast of the musical sang the pop star’s songs. (READ: Oscars 2015: Julie Andrews praises Lady Gaga’s ‘Sound of Music’ performance)

In The Sound of Gaga, you get to hear the nuns at the abbey singing along to “Judas,” witness Liesl and Rolfe flirting to the tune of “The Edge of Glory,” and, of course, Maria and Captain Von Trapp waltzing to “Love Game” and “Bad Romance.”

In an interview with Buzzfeed, the director of photography, Anton Belmonté, said that the tribute to Gaga was filmed in April 2015 and was never supposed to be released online.

“Chris Clegg from BLK Ltd (Bill Kenwright Ltd, the producers) asked me to come backstage and speak to both Danielle Hope and Jeremy Wootton. They proposed the idea to me and a few weeks later we filmed it with very little budget,” Anton told Buzzfeed.

They finished the video in 2 weeks, said Anton, but it wasn’t released because they were waiting for approval from the Rodgers and Hammerstein estate. Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II wrote the music and lyrics for the musical, respectively.

Those involved in the video were surprised when the video was released online on Wednesday, February 24.

That same day, Lady Gaga herself tweeted her approval: “I mean this is just so amazing, the instrumentation and the performers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Lady Gaga paid tribute to The Sound of Music during the 2015 Oscars, as tribute to the film’s 50th anniversary. Actress Julie Andrews, who played Maria in the movie, praised Gaga for her performance afterwards.

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