Ms PH Earth Binalonan, Pangasinan: Catherine Catbagan

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Ms PH Earth Binalonan, Pangasinan: Catherine Catbagan
Meet Miss PH Earth Binalonan, Pangasinan

NAME: Catherine Siblag Catbagan
MUNICIPALITY OR CITY: Binalonan, Pangasinan
AGE: 24

Environmental advocacy: I want to raise awareness of this severe imbalance, to preserve old trees and to plant more trees every year. I want to strive to make headway by directly increasing public awareness of the effects of us cutting down trees and to usher a new era of conservancy. Unless efforts are made to save trees, the human species may suffer to an extent that other species already have suffered.

How she describes her childhood: I grew up in a small town with a loving father, a caring mother and two other older siblings. During this bracket of growing up years, it is very typical for children to play with running water, to waste food, to spend most of the time, if not in school, watching television and playing video games. My household, however, is kind of different. My siblings and I are only allowed to watch television in a specific time and we are not allowed to have our own television inside our rooms. I can still remember how my dad won’t go to sleep unless I’m done using the computer. Specific consequences and long hours of sermon will be put unto us every time we forget to close the faucet or to turn off lights. Instead of playing long hours of video games, they have involved us with sports and playing musical instruments.

And because of these rules, me and my siblings didn’t only grow up disciplined, neat and conscious with using available resources, we have also get to enjoy life outside the house.

Most memorable moment: Nursing was not really the first course I want to take, but this profession showed me how beautiful it is being able to save and touch lives. My most memorable moment so far would definitely be the moment I passed my Nursing National Licensure exam. Not only that it’s like everything I worked for my education has finally starting to pay off , but also I know that I made my parents proud.


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