beauty pageants

TRANSCRIPT: Miss International 2023 Top 7 Q&A segment

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TRANSCRIPT: Miss International 2023 Top 7 Q&A segment 

Colombia's Sofía Osío Luna during the question and answer portion.

Screenshot from Miss International's YouTube page

Which answer was your favorite?

MANILA, Philippines – The Top 7 Miss International 2023 candidates took center stage for the question and answer portion on the pageant’s finals night on Thursday, October 26, at the Yoyogi Gymnasium No. 2 in Tokyo, Japan. 

The final seven beauty queens were asked to choose a random number corresponding to a question from a ballot box. Here are the questions and their respective answers:

Sofía Osío Luna, Colombia

Beauty pageants have been evolving with time. What is one thing about Miss International that you do not want to be changed and why?

I believe the most important thing that Miss International pageant should preserve is its essence, its values, and its mission to keep advocating for cultural independence, for cultural integration, for peace. And I believe, coming from a national pageant in Colombia, it’s very important to promote our culture. That is something that Miss International organization has done from its beginning. I believe Miss International is an advocate for peace, for happiness, for love, for friendship, and this is what it should maintain. I believe Miss International is an inspiration to every woman, to every dreamer, and it promotes our social development.

Andrea Rubio, Venezuela

Five years from now, how do you see yourself in terms of professional or career advancement, and what are you doing to achieve it?

In five years, I see myself as an independent woman who works with her communication skills. Being here, Miss International is going to allow me to get this platform and to show all women they can deserve what they dream. I’ve been working with the SDG number 5, in equality of genders and empowerment of girls. That’s what I want to do to spread the message of Miss International and to keep a little bit of Japan and to show it to the whole world.

Nicole Borromeo, Philippines

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs by the United Nations have targets that are set to be achieved by 2030. What have you done so far in terms of SDGs‘ initiatives?

As someone who experienced the wrath of natural disasters, home is everything. I’ve worked tirelessly with Habitat for Humanity under the SDG goal of number 11, sustainable cities and communities. It is through this volunteer work that I could see in the face of the children how much they wanted to help, how much they wanted to be a part of the future. Because when it comes to sustainability, we must keep in mind that it’s not only for the next generation, but to include them in the process.

Itzia Garcia, Mexico

You have been here in Japan for nearly two weeks. What valuable lesson have you learned during your stay here in Japan?

Since I arrived here to Japan, I noticed the welcoming people and the kindness that they have. That is one thing that I will want to bring to Mexico and also how they love their culture. I want to invite all of you to come to Japan and see the beauty in this place. I think it’s amazing how all of you like and care about every single one of us that came here.

Supaporn Ritthipruek, Thailand

Share with us two things about your country that you want the people around the world to know about, and what have you done to promote it?

In Thailand, we have many interesting thing. We have delicious food, we have many beautiful places, and especially, in Thailand, people are very kind and friendly and respectful. I have done a lot to promote Thailand many thing. I also gave Ya Dom inhaler to many contestants here because it’s very famous in Thailand. And also, I want to invite you to Thailand because I’m sure that you will love Thailand as I love and Thailand welcome you like your second home.

Vanessa Hayes Schutt, Bolivia

With more than 60 years of history, what do you think is the most significant contribution of the Miss International beauty pageant and why?

I believe that Miss International in the past 60 years has not only cultivated culture and the beauty of women. Instead, they have cultivated the essence of women, their traditions, and culture. I also believe that Miss International is more than a beauty pageant because they changed their life completely. Because Miss International improves the life of women who are in this beauty pageant.

Camila Diaz Daneri, Peru

Women empowerment has been a global movement for several years. What do you think is empowering about joining beauty pageants?

I think beauty pageants empower women in many ways. They give us a platform, a voice, to inspire other who think we represent them. It also helps us break stereotypes between intelligence and beauty, and we can have a voice and share some positive messages, ideas, many issues, and we can help the world and create a better environment. Even standing here in front of all of you is so empowering. Thank you so much for this experience. –

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