2 dead, 21 missing in Busuanga, Palawan

Angela Casauay

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As of Sunday, more than 5,000 Coron residents are still displaced from their homes

CALAMITY. Typhoon Yolanda's wrath in Coron, Palawan. Photo by EPA/Office of the Mayor of Coron

MANILA, Philippines – Two crew members of a fishing boat died in the town of Busuanga in Palawan’s Calamianes group of islands due to Super Typhoon Yolanda, bringing the total number of fatalities in Palawan to 8. 

In a report by the state-run Philippine News Agency (PNA) on Monday, November 11, Busuanga Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office said the casualties were identified as Rufino Cerafino and Butchoy Amorin. 

It was unclear whether they died at sea. 

Yolanda also claimed the lives of the following residents of Coron, a nearby island town: 

  • Nicanor Roxas
  • Erwin Roque
  • Carlos Catamora
  • Hover Castillon
  • Carlito Argamo Tagum
  • Crisencio Saligbon

Yolanda made its 6th landfall in Busuanga, Palawan, around 8 pm Friday, before finally leaving the Philippines Saturday morning. 

In the town of Busuanga, at least 688 households in 9 barangays were affected by the typhoon, while at least 260 families were affected in the island barangays of San Miguel and Decabaitot. 

No casualties were reported in the town of Linapacan, PNA said. 

Communication and power lines in affected areas, especially in the Visayas island, remain largely cut off after the onslaught of Yolanda, making it difficult for authorities to provide an accurate account of the damages and casualties. 

Unofficial consolidated reports on the ground show Yolanda, one of the strongest typhoons to hit the Philippines in recent history, may have killed more than 10,000 residents.

The devastating calamity has sparked not just a nationwide but also an international action for aid. (READ: Yolanda survivors desperate for aid)

A Facebook post by Coron Mayor Clara Reyes said relief goods have already reached the island town, with at least 5,400 bags of relief goods distributed as of Monday. At least 5,496 residents had been displaced as of Sunday, Reyes said. 


Help the victims of Typhoon Yolanda (international codename: Haiyan). Visit Rappler’s list of ongoing relief operations in your area. Tell us about your relief and recovery initiatives, emailmove.ph@rappler.com or tweet us @moveph.

Visit rappler.com/typhoon-yolanda for the latest updates on Typhoon Yolanda.

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