300,000 attempts to view porn from British parliament

Agence France-Presse

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The figures cover computers used by more than 1,300 lawmakers, their staff and other employees

GUILTY? Officials insisted the figures were inflated by websites automatically refreshing

LONDON, United Kingdom – British parliamentary authorities monitored nearly 300,000 attempts to access pornography from their computers in 2012, official records show.

The figures, released by the IT department for the Houses of Parliament, cover computers used by more than 1,300 lawmakers, their staff and other parliamentary employees.

But officials insisted the figures were inflated by websites automatically refreshing, while pop-up adverts not requested by users could also have added to the count.

They are also investigating huge variations in the monthly number of attempts to access pornographic websites, with nearly 115,000 attempts in November 2012 but only 15 last February.

The data was released Tuesday in response to a freedom of information request by the Huffington Post UK website.

A spokeswoman for the House of Commons, the country’s lower chamber, said:

“We do not consider the data to provide an accurate representation of the number of purposeful requests made by network users due to the variety of ways in which websites can be designed to act, react and interact and due to the potential operation of 3rd party software.” – Rappler.com

Internet porn image from Shutterstock

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