Louvre Abu Dhabi to open on November 11 – French minister

Agence France-Presse

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Louvre Abu Dhabi to open on November 11 – French minister


The Louvre Abu Dhabi is the first establishment outside of the original Louvre in Paris -- which houses the world's largest collection of art -- to carry the famed French name

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – The Louvre Abu Dhabi will finally open to the public on November 11, a decade after the project was launched, France’s culture minister said Wednesday, September 6.

“It is my pleasure to announce that the Louvre Abu Dhabi will open its doors on November 11,” Francoise Nyssen said at a news conference in Abu Dhabi. 

“At a time when culture is under attack… this is our joint response.” 

The Louvre Abu Dhabi is the first establishment outside of the original Louvre in Paris — which houses the world’s largest collection of art — to carry the famed French name. 

The museum aims to attract people from neighboring Arab countries and around the world, according to the UAE culture minister. 

“Just as the Louvre is the crown jewel of Paris, so the Louvre Abu Dhabi is destined for such distinction,” said Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak al-Nahyan.  – Rappler.com

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