British artists

‘Art Attack’ host Neil Buchanan denies he’s Banksy

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‘Art Attack’ host Neil Buchanan denies he’s Banksy

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Neil releases a statement after rumors spread that he an the mysterious street artist shared the same identity

Neil Buchanan, host of the iconic art-themed kids’ TV show Art Attack, has denied that he is street artist Banksy, responding to rumors that he and the mysterious artist were the same person.

“Neil Buchanan is NOT Banksy,” read a statement on Neil’s official website, which said that they have been flooded with questions about the rumor over the weekend.

“We can confirm that there is no truth in the rumor whatsoever,” they said, adding that Neil has been in lockdown with his family and is preparing to launch a new art collection in 2021.

Neil is best known for teaching kids arts and crafts through Art Attack, which ran from 1990 to 2007. The show included drawing and painting tips, crafts projects, and its famous “big art attack” segment, where Neil would create large-scale drawings made out of everyday items such as fruit, rice, bin bags, newspapers, and foil.

Banksy, known for his murals, often painted on streets, buildings, and other public structures around the world.

His works often have social or political themes, and over the lockdown, several of his pieces appeared around the United Kingdom – including at the Southampton General Hospital, and on the London Underground.

Banksy has managed to remain anonymous throughout the years, fuelling wild theories about his identity. Artist Robin Gunningham, Massive Attack frontman Robert Del Naja, and Gorillaz co-creator Jamie Hewlett have all been speculated to be Banksy. –

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