
The Philippine eagle soars in new virtual exhibit

John Patrick Magno Ranara

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The Philippine eagle soars in new virtual exhibit


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Immerse yourself in this 360-degree virtual tour that showcases the work of Filipino artists

The Philippine Fauna Art Society (PhilFAS), in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Biodiversity Management Bureau, launched a new online exhibit that features different artwork by Filipino artists, all centered on the Philippine eagle.

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In celebration of the 23rd Philippine Eagle Week, HARING IBON: An Online Art Exhibition pays tribute to the magnificence of the country’s national bird through different artwork by 161 local artists, showcased in a 360-degree virtual tour developed by artist and PhilFAS member Issay Rodriguez.

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The soothing lyrics of Filipino singer Joey Ayala’s Agila plays in the background as guests enter the virtual exhibit. From June 10 to July 10, visitors can admire over 100 different renditions of one of the rarest and most powerful birds in the world, in watercolor, acrylic paint, charcoal pencils, among others.

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Philippine Eagle Week is celebrated from June 4 to 10 each year, and aims to promote the the national bird even as it continues to be endangered due to illegal trade and hunting.

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In a virtual opening ceremony held through Zoom, Bing Famoso, founder of PhilFAS, highlighted the importance of the Philippine eagle to the country’s biodiversity.

“Being on the top of the food chain, the Philippine eagle is important in keeping the balance in our ecosystem. By protecting and conserving the Philippine eagle, we indirectly protect the many other species in its habitat. An abundant Philippine eagle population signifies a healthy forest,” said Famoso. 

According to the 2020 annual report by the Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF), a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the Philippine Eagle and its habitat, seven birds were rescued by PEF in Mindanao in a span of 10 months. The report read that it was the “largest number of wild eagles retrieved in the entire history of the eagle conservation program during the pandemic.”

The report also highlighted that the birds remain vulnerable to being trapped and shot by hunters.

PhilFAS’ online exhibit aims to address these threats through local artistry. According to Famoso, “art is a very powerful tool in advocating for conservation awareness. It does not only transfer energy, passion, creativity, and ideas on canvas, but it also affects the psyche of the viewers.”

“More often than not, the positive effect in people inspires them to think, to read, and to actualize that inspiration into action in partaking in the conservation and protection of our rich biodiversity,” she added.

Aside from PhilFAS, Famoso is also the founder of the Philippine Botanical Art Society, which has launched its own virtual exhibit that will run until June 29. – Rappler.com

John Patrick Magno Ranara is a Rappler intern.

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