
‘Pulso Pilipinas: Mga Likhang Sayaw’ to spotlight diversity of Filipino dance

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‘Pulso Pilipinas: Mga Likhang Sayaw’ to spotlight diversity of Filipino dance

Cultural Center of the Philippines

The two-day dance festival will be held at the Metropolitan Theater in Manila from May 23 to 24

MANILA, Philippines – Have an eye for all things dance? Mark your calendars for Pulso Pilipinas: Mga Likhang Sayaw, slated to happen from May 23 to 24, at the Metropolitan Theater in Manila.

Cultural Center of the Philippines

Organized by the Cultural Center of the Philippines and directed by Marciano Viri, the dance festival aims to underline dance’s role in nation-building, and also encourage the appreciation of dance through the lineup of performances plotted throughout the two-day event.

Pulso Pilipinas: Mga Likhang Sayaw will also highlight different dance genres like folk, indigenous, contemporary, hip-hop, jazz, ballroom, and classical ballet.

The two-day event will see several dance groups, companies, and artists take the stage to champion their Filipino heritage through selected dance numbers.

Performers include the Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group; Bayanihan, the National Folk Dance Company of the Philippines; Ballet Philippines; Alice Reyes Dance Philippines (ARDP); Ballet Manila; Philippine Dancesport Team; The Crew; and the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Salinggawi Dance Troupe.

Aljana “Cheenee” Alicia Rose Marie Limuaco will deliver a solo performance while the award-winning contemporary dance film Salom, choreographed and performed by Limuaco herself, will also be screened at the dance festival.

You may purchase your tickets from Ticketworld or the CCP Box Office. Prices range from P500 to P1,000. –

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