stand-up comedy

‘Stand-up for Palestine’ comedy fundraiser for Palestinian refugees back for 2nd show

Juno Reyes

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‘Stand-up for Palestine’ comedy fundraiser for Palestinian refugees back for 2nd show
All proceeds for the event will go to Palestinian refugee families in the Philippines

MANILA, Philippines – It’s not every day that you see stand-up comedy being used to help spread awareness about a serious cause, but Stand-up for Palestine is here to change that.

Organized by Lebanese restaurant Meshwe’s owner, Nathan Mounayer, Stand-up for Palestine started out as a way to raise funds for the cooking equipment and ingredients that would be used by Little Gaza Kitchen, a home-cooked food business being run by Palestinian refugee families in the Philippines.

Mounayer said that he and the rest of the team behind the comedy fundraiser want to continue giving support to the Palestinian start-up business.

“While we have met some of the families, we coordinate with the Moro-Palestinian Cooperation team, a group of individuals who have been managing and supporting the Palestinian families since their arrival in Manila,” Mounayer told Rappler.

The first Stand-up for Palestine night was held on January 27. A total of eight comics, including Josel Nicolas, River Cruz, Aldo Cuervo, Andren Bernardo, Steven Sagad, Alexio Tabafunda, Gold Dagal, and even Mounayer himself, had come together to deliver their best sets for a full house.

“So many people and local artists supported the first show and the poster went viral. We received a good amount of donations and people were just so happy to be able to help,” Mounayer said.

Now back for a second show after three months, Stand-up for Palestine 2 will be held on May 17 at 9 pm in Meshwe, along Bristol Street in Fairview, Quezon City.

It will feature a new roster of Filipino comedians, including Ron Dulatre, Leland Lim, Dex Conche, JP Aguilera, Emman Lauz, Rae Mammuad, and Gold Dagal from the first comedy night. This time, the event will be hosted by Chino Liao.

“Aside from being funny comedians, they are compassionate people who oppose injustice and support humanitarian causes,” Mounayer explained when we asked how they choose which comics get to do a set during the event.

Other than a new set of comics, the event will also have a Palestinian dessert booth manned by Little Gaza Kitchen. –

Stand-up for Palestine 2will be held on May 17 at 9 pm in Meshwe along Bristol Street in Fairview, Quezon City. You may contact Meshwe’s Facebook page for tickets. Early bird tickets are priced at P500, while the door charge is P700.

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Juno Reyes

Juno Reyes is a Life & Style and Entertainment multimedia reporter covering local music and art.