Never too late to get fit, says study into aging

Agence France-Presse

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'Significant health benefits were seen among participants who became physically active relatively late in life,' says study

HEALTHY AGING. Regular exercise or vigorous activity at least once a week helps with aging

PARIS, France  People who start exercise even late in life can reap the benefit in good health, a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine said on Monday, November 25.

Researchers tracked the health of nearly 3,500 Britons whose average age was 64, for more than eight years.

People who had a record of sustained and regular exercise  meaning   boosted the likelihood of “healthy aging” sevenfold compared to a lifestyle of persistent inactivity.

The gain among newcomers to exercise was roughly triple.

“Significant health benefits were… seen among participants who became physically active relatively late in life,” the paper said.

“Healthy aging” was rated by an absence of major diseases and disabilities, good mental health  the lack of depression or cognitive decline  and the ability to maintain social connections.

Around a fifth of the volunteers fell into this category at the eight-year followup mark. –

Senior couple exercising photo from Shutterstock

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