book authors

Haruki Murakami to publish first novel in 6 years

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Haruki Murakami to publish first novel in 6 years

Wiki Commons

The Japanese author's new book is set for an April 13 release!

MANILA, Philippines – Finally! Best-selling Japanese author Haruki Murakami is will be releasing a new novel – his first in six years – on April 13, 2023.

Publisher Shinchosa made the announcement on Wednesday, February 1. Although the title and plot have not been released yet, Shinchosa said that the book will be initially published in Japanese, with translations following later on. There is still no specific date on when the translated versions will be released.

The novel will be “1,200 Japanese manuscript pages long,” Shinchosa said, and will cost 2,970 yen. An order link to the physical and e-book copy is already up on the website. This will be Murakami’s latest novel since the release of Killing Commendatore in 2017.

Award-winning writer Murakami, 74, is best known domestically and internationally for his magical realist short stories and novels, such as Norwegian Wood (1987), Kafka on the Shore (2002), 1Q84 (2009), and Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1994), among many others. –

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