
Leiji Matsumoto, creator of ‘Space Battleship Yamato’, dies at 85


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Leiji Matsumoto, creator of ‘Space Battleship Yamato’, dies at 85

FILE PHOTO: Author of several anime and manga series Leiji Matsumoto poses during a photocall for the movie "Harlock: Space Pirate", directed by Shinji Aramaki, during the 70th Venice Film Festival in Venice September 3, 2013.

REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi/File Photo

Matsumoto was also the creator of the manga series 'Galaxy Express 999'

TOKYO, Japan –  Leiji Matsumoto, the Japanese manga and anime author known internationally as a creator of the 1970s TV series Space Battleship Yamato, has died aged 85, his office said on Monday, February 20.

Matsumoto gained global fame as director of the series, which was titled Star Blazers in the United States. 

Other well-known works include the manga series Galaxy Express 999, which was also turned into a popular anime series. 

He is the recipient of several awards from the Japanese government, as well as the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French government.

Matsumoto, who started drawing at the age of six, died of heart failure on February 13 in Tokyo, Japanese media reported. –

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