Love and Relationships

‘Wala na sa IG highlights’: 7 modern signs of a breakup

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‘Wala na sa IG highlights’: 7 modern signs of a breakup
Aside from seeing that they've unfollowed each other on social media, how else can you tell if a couple has broken up?

Social media has made it easy for us to be updated on other people’s lives; whether we like it or not, we learn of other people’s complicated relationships based on their social media posts. And even if we have the option to mute or block these accounts, our fear of missing out on the juiciest drama keeps us from doing that.

On one hand, when it comes to new relationships being announced to the world, we’ve gotten familiar with the practice of “soft launching.” People would share a low-key or cryptic photo that hints of a significant other in their lives.

But on the other hand, how can we tell if a couple we know of has apparently split?

We asked our Rappler readers what the tell-tale signs are for relationships that have fizzled out – based especially on the couple’s social media behaviors – and these are their responses: 

No traces of their significant other on their profiles

Perhaps the most obvious sign is when they’ve basically removed the existence of their significant other from their respective social media profiles. 

Admit it: we all knew a couple (or two) who was active in sharing their relationship milestones – first out-of-town trip, first pet, even their first huge fight. Then we noticed that those constant updates had gone missing: they were no longer tagging or mentioning each other on videos of cute pets or trending cafés to visit. And when you check their profile, alas! You see that their respective relationship statuses have been changed to “single” or “it’s complicated,” that their initials or anniversary dates are no longer in their bios, that their profile pictures or headers are no longer matching, that their couple photos have been deleted, and that the highlight or featured photos dedicated to their relationship have been removed. 

What’s worse is that they’re no longer Facebook friends or Instagram or Twitter mutuals! In fact, celebrities are often subjected to breakup rumors when eagle-eyed fans notice they’re no longer following each other on social media platforms.

They’re back to being very active on social media

According to several Rappler readers, one’s sudden activeness on social media can signal someone’s relationship status. If they’ve gotten noticeably louder on their social media accounts, then that could probably mean they’ve just come from a breakup. 

Kapag maingay at makalat sa Facebook,” “Kapag nakiki-[sana all] na,” “Nag-popost ng may patama sa karelasyon,” and “Kapag nagkakalat na ulit sa subtle clown traits,” some comments read. 

Those who’ve recently split with their partners often share memes on relationships, or brokenhearted quotes, or remarks that could pertain to their ex. 

…and on dating apps

They might also be active now on dating apps. But don’t swipe just yet! Best to confirm first that they’re actually no longer in a relationship! Because if they’re not, then that’s an entirely different story. 

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Self-love is the top priority

Ever heard of the “breakup glow-up”? Well, that’s apparently what happens when people fresh from a relationship start putting self-love first.

For our Rappler readers, that means posting photos sporting new haircuts, bikini or gym snaps, and more self-love quotes. 

They’re now often seen with friends

Show of hands: you’re the type to tend to forget your friends when you’re in a relationship. Or if you’re not that kind of friend, then maybe someone in your circle is. While that doesn’t necessarily mean that you disregard friendships, you just prefer doing things with your significant other most of the time that you no longer have time to hang out with other people. 

So when you start attending barkada gatherings or inviting them for trips, it doesn’t come as a surprise that you’re no longer in a relationship. 

Byebye shared accounts

“What’s mine is yours” might be your motto as a couple, but you’ll have to say goodbye to that when you split – no more curated playlists and shared subscriptions. 

Their focus is now on other interests

There are different ways to move on from a breakup, and some tend to divert their attention to other interests instead. Some might choose to start a healthy lifestyle, pursue arts, or in some cases, learn more about their favorite artists. 

Are there other modern signs of a breakup that you know of? Share them with us in the comments section! – 

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