Classes cancelled on August 6 due to rains, floods

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Classes in various Metro Manila areas for Monday, August 6, were cancelled due to heavy rainfall in the past hours, causing floods

MANILA, Philippines – Classes in various Metro Manila areas for Monday, August 6, were cancelled due to heavy rainfall in the past hours, causing floods.

As of 2 a.m. Monday, the local governments of the following areas have announced the suspension of classes from pre-school to high school.

  • Quezon City – Mayor Herbert Bautista has cancelled Monday classes in both public and private schools amid threats the La Mesa dam will overflow, resulting in floods.
  • Marikina City – The city government cancelled classes only in public schools in Barangays Malanday, Nangka, Tumana, and Concepcion Uno since these are designated evacuation areas as the water level at the Marikina River rises.  
  • Pasay City – Classes in both public and private schools are suspended.
  • Mandaluyong City – Classes in both public and private schools are suspended.
  • Valenzuela – Classes in the following are affected: PR San Diego Elementary School; Tagalag Elementary School; Wawang Pulo Elementary School; A. Deato Elementary School; Coloong Elementary School; Isla Elementary School; Pasolo Elementary School; Pio Valenzuela Elementary School; Rincon Elementary School, and; Polo National High School

The heavy rain is still brought by the southwest monsoon, which affects Luzon and Visayas. –

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