Department of Justice

DOJ clears billionaire Rajiv Chandiramani of brother’s falsified documents allegations

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DOJ clears billionaire Rajiv Chandiramani of  brother’s falsified documents allegations

DOJ. The building of the Department of Justice in Manila.

Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

The Department of Justice says that Amith Chandiramani had already reached a compromise deal with his brother Rajiv and mother Pushpa

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has cleared Filipino-Indian billionaire Rajiv Chandiramani, his mother Pushpa, and five others of falsification of public documents charges in relation to a bitter family spat over P1 billion worth of properties.

The DOJ threw out the complaint filed by Rajiv’s estranged brother Amith Chandiramani due to lack of probable cause.

Amith accused Rajiv and his mother of allegedly conspiring to transfer several properties and business interests that were willed to him by their father Prem, before he died on December 26, 2011. The properties were eventually sold around 2018.

The DOJ pointed out that Amith already filed a similar complaint against Rajiv and his mother before the Makati City’s Prosecutor’s Office and had reached a settlement which involved a quitclaim, effectively waiving all potential claims.

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Part of the compromise agreement involved Amith receiving P600,000 monthly from Rajiv until the total amount reached P150 million. 

“The compromise agreement agreed into by Amith and Rajiv was in the nature of an extrajudicial compromise agreement. Perusal of the same shows that it contains all the elements of a valid contract. Likewise, it has been mutually agreed upon by Amith and Rajiv without any act of force, fraud or undue intimidation,” the DOJ said. –

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