Philippine tourism

Malacañang confirms return of Mark Lapid to TIEZA

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Malacañang confirms return  of Mark Lapid to TIEZA

BACK TO TIEZA. Mark Lapid is returning to the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA).

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Malacañang says Mark Lapid's return to the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority 'augurs well in contributing to the recovery and growth of tourism'

Malacañang on Saturday, January 9, confirmed the appointment of Mark Lapid as a member of the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) board.

Presidential Spokesman Harry Roque said in a statement that President Rodrigo Duterte signed Lapid’s appointment paper on January 5.

“Tourism is one of the most important sectors of our economy, and the appointment of Mr Lapid, who is no stranger to TIEZA, augurs well in contributing to the recovery and growth of tourism, which has been affected by the pandemic,” Roque said.

DWIZ reported on Wednesday, January 6, that Duterte, through Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, informed the TIEZA board on January 5 that he approved the nomination of Lapid as TIEZA chief operating officer (COO).

Lapid served as head of the Philippine Tourism Authority under the administration of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and kept the post when the PTA was reorganized as TIEZA. He also served as TIEZA chief executive officer during the administration of Benigno Aquino III until he resigned to run for senator in 2016.

He was governor of Pampanga from 2004 to 2007. –

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