
PhilHealth extends free dialysis coverage up to 144 sessions

Bonz Magsambol

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PhilHealth directs its regional offices and concerned healthcare facilities to continue honoring all sessions beyond the 90-session limit

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) announced on Monday, November 16, that it is extending the free hemodialysis coverage beyond the 90-session limit up to a maximum of 144 sessions.

People can take advantage of this benefit until December 31, 2020, PhilHealth said.

In a statement, PhilHealth said that it will issue the guidelines for the special package through a circular.

The state health insurer also directed its regional offices and concerned healthcare facilities to continue honoring all sessions beyond the 90-session limit.

“Patients who have paid for their hemodialysis sessions are requested to file their  claims with the nearest PhilHealth office,” PhilHealth said.

Under the Bayanihan 2 law, dialysis centers should continue covering the treatment of patients even if they already used up their 90 free sessions during the pandemic. However, some dialysis centers stopped giving free sessions due to lack of implementing rules and regulation from the state health insurer. –

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Bonz Magsambol

Bonz Magsambol covers the Philippine Senate for Rappler.