Australia warns vs ‘high threat’ of terror in PH

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Australia warns vs ‘high threat’ of terror in PH

Malacañan Photo

'There is a high threat of terrorist attack in the Philippines, including Manila,' Australia says in its latest travel advisory

MANILA, Philippines – Australia warned its citizens on Friday, November 3, about a “high threat” of a terror attack in the Philippines, including Manila, as there is also a “high level of crime” in the Southeast Asian country.

“There is a high threat of terrorist attack in the Philippines, including Manila. Exercise heightened caution at this time,” Australia said in its latest travel advisory dated November 3.

“Be alert to possible threats around locations that have a low level of protective security and places known to be possible terrorist targets,” Australia added.

It also maintained that Australians should “exercise a high degree of caution in the Philippines overall.” Meanwhile, “higher levels” of caution “apply in some parts of the country.”

The Australian government then issued the following reminders for its nationals in the Philippines:

  • “Seek specific advice for the locations you intend to visit”
  • “Reconsider your need to travel to eastern Mindanao due to the very high levels of violent crime and the high threat of terrorist attack and kidnapping”
  • “Do not travel to central and western Mindanao due to the very high threat of kidnapping, terrorist attack, violent crime, and violent clashes between armed groups”

Australia issued this travel advisory after the Philippine government ended a 5-month battle against terrorists in Marawi City. 

Despite ending the war in Marawi, President Rodrigo Duterte warned on October 26 that it “is not far-fetched” that terrorists will resort to “retaliation and vengeance.” Duterte said, “Terrorism will always be there.”

The Armed Forces of the Philippines has also said that even after declaring Marawi liberated from terrorists, it continues to be a “dangerous place” due to Maute stragglers. –

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email