House of Representatives

Rappler Talk: Can the 17th Congress pass a divorce law?

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Rappler Talk: Can the 17th Congress pass a divorce law?
Lawmaker Edcel Lagman is among those who argue that divorce is needed in the Philippines
MANILA, Philippines – On Wednesday, February 21, the House committee on population and family relations approved a substitute bill that would introduce divorce in the Philippines. It’s historic. This is the farthest a divorce bill has made it in the legislative process in the country. It’s also a multi-partisan effort, with legislators from all blocs in the House taking part in its crafting. No less than House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, head of the Duterte-allied supermajority, is an advocate of the divorce bill. But now that it’s past the committee level, what’s next? Lawmakers have already manifested their opposition, arguing that divorce would endanger the Filipino family. Advocates say it’s about time couples – especially abused spouses – are given a chance to walk away from potentially life-ruining marriages. Speaking with Rappler on Thursday, February 22 is Albay 1st District Representative Edcel Lagman, who headed the technical working group that finetuned the proposed divorce law proposal.  –

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