Duterte scraps jet ski ride in Philippine Rise

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Duterte scraps jet ski ride in Philippine Rise
(4th UPDATE) Special Assistant to the President Bong Go said he and President Duterte's son, Sebastian Duterte, will represent the Philippine leader instead

MANILA, Philippines (4th UPDATE) – President Rodrigo Duterte is not pushing through with a plan to ride a jet ski around Philippine Rise, formerly known as Benham Rise, on Tuesday, May 15. 

Special Assistant to the President Bong Go said he and Duterte’s son, Sebastian, will represent the Philippine leader instead.

Go and Sebastian Duterte will ride jet skis on Duterte’s behalf.

No reason is yet available why Duterte is not pushing through with this.

Malacañang staff told reporters earlier on Tuesday that Duterte might use a jet ski to visit Philippine Rise.

Photos taken by media show at least 7 jet skis aboard BRP Davao del Sur, which will be used during Duterte’s visit.

CANCELLED PLAN. President Duterte will not use any one of these 7 jet skis around the waters of Philippine Rise. Malacañang pool photo

Duterte’s chopper landed at BRP Davao del Sur around 3:45 pm on Tuesday. He was to speak at a program to commemorate the renaming of Benham Rise as Philippine Rise. 

Malacañang earlier said Duterte will visit the area from Tuesday to Wednesday, May 16.

When he was running for president, Duterte had also made a promise to ride a jet ski, but to assert the Philippines’ rights over the West Philippine Sea.

Duterte never did. – Rappler.com

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email pat.esmaquel@rappler.com.