Kidnapped policewomen in Sulu released – Albayalde

Rambo Talabong

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Kidnapped policewomen in Sulu released – Albayalde
(UPDATED) It is still unclear whether the cops were left unharmed, Albayalde says, as they haven't been debriefed regarding their experience

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) – The two policewomen who have been kidnapped in Sulu are now released, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Oscar Albayalde announced on Wednesday, May 16.

“The regional director there [confirmed] and said that they are now with the personnel of Governor Sakur Tan. The two women are now on their way to the residence of the governor,” Albayalde said in a chance interview with police reporters.

Police Officer 2 Benierose Alvarez and Police Officer 1 Dinah Gumahad were kidnapped in Sulu on April 30, reportedly right after leaving Camp Teodulfo Bautista.

How are they? It is still unclear whether the cops were left unharmed, Albayalde said, as they haven’t been debriefed regarding their experience.  

“We will see what happened to them and whether they were harmed or not,” Albayalde said in a mix of English and Filipino.

Who kidnapped them? Police now have a suspect: a certain “Adiang Adiang Group.”

The top cop didn’t release more details about the abductors. Earlier, he announced that the abductors were an unnamed group suspected to be related with the terrorist Abu Sayyaf Group.

They reportedly demanded P5 million for the cops’ release.

Happy ending: Their release leaves relief after several rescue missions initiated by both the police and the military ended bloody.

“The reason perhaps why they were released is the pressure that the police and military gave, because the operations were continuous,” Albayalde said in a mix of English and Filipino. –

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Rambo Talabong

Rambo Talabong covers the House of Representatives and local governments for Rappler. Prior to this, he covered security and crime. He was named Jaime V. Ongpin Fellow in 2019 for his reporting on President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs. In 2021, he was selected as a journalism fellow by the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics.