P6.3-M reward for tipster in BIFF bombmaker Basit Usman’s death


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P6.3-M reward for tipster in BIFF bombmaker Basit Usman’s death
The informant against Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters bombmaker Basit Usman is one of several recipients of reward money totaling P27.6 million in a ceremony in Camp Aguinaldo

MANILA, Philippines – The military on Thursday, May 31, awarded P6.3 million ($119,745*) to a tipster who led the military to a successful operation to neutralize notorious bombmaker Basit Usman of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF).

Armed Forces chief General Carlito Galvez Jr handed the money to an unrecognizeable recipient clad in black balaclava. He came with a backpack where he stored the bundles of cash with the help of the military chief. 

He was one of 10 informants who received a total of P27.6 million reward money in a ceremony in Camp Aguinaldo on Thursday. 

Usman was a notorious bombmaker in Central Mindanao, a member of the local armed group that broke away from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) over disagreements in the peace process. 

He and Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir or Marwan worked together. Both were in the Most Wanted Terrorist list of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The tipster received the reward 3 years after Usman was killed in May 2015. The military previously claimed that MILF members killed Usman. 

The military continues operations against the BIFF and the peace process with the MILF is poised for implementation.

The rest of the informants helped in operations against the following targets:

  • Muhiden Abdusalam Uyong alias ‘Waning Abdusalam’ (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Kiri Hamid Sahiron (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Mustapha Guindalangan alias ‘Tha’ (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Basit Balahim alias ‘Ballan’ (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Regin Onsing Nazirin alias ‘Sahirun’ (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Abdullah Mutalib (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Aldimar Sangkula alias ‘Kompol-Kompol’ (Abu Sayyaf Group)
  • Eduardo Genelsa alias ‘Lando’ (New People’s Army)
  • Ricardo Ampan Manili alias Joker (New People’s Army)

The military said the cash reward system that started in 2001 is aimed at “encouraging citizens to join in the AFP and other law enforcement agencies’ counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency efforts.”– Rappler.com

*$1 = P52,7

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