4th Filipino tests positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong


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4th Filipino tests positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong


The patient is asymptomatic and is now in a quarantine facility for treatment, says the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs

MANILA, Philippines – Another Filipino has tested positive for the novel coronavirus in Hong Kong, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) confirmed on Sunday, March 8. 

In a tweet, DFA Undersecretary Brigido Dulay said the patient is asymptomatic – or showing no symptoms – and is now in a quarantine facility for treatment.

The latest patient, a worker, brings the total confirmed Filipino cases in Hong Kong to 4. 

Out of this number, 1 was confirmed to have the virus last Wednesday, March 4, while the other 2 have since recovered.

So far, Hong Kong has reported 114 cases and 2 deaths.

At least 89 Filipinos outside the Philippines have contracted the virus since the outbreak began. Aside from the 4 in Hong Kong, 80 were from a cruise ship docked in Japan, 3 in Singapore, and 2 in the United Arab Emirates.

But 40 from the cruise ship, 1 in Singapore, and 2 in Hong Kong have since recovered, leaving 46 still infected as of Sunday.

In the Philippines, meanwhile, there have been 6 confirmed cases. There are 3 still hospitalized and 2 who have recovered, while 1 died.

The global death toll has reached 3,583, with 3,097 of the fatalities in China. The number of cases worldwide has risen to 105,427, with 80,859 of the infections in China. The virus has spread to more than 90 countries. – Rappler.com

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