#PHvote quotes: iPads and mix-ups


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Rappler's compilation of quotable quotes from Week 2 of the campaign period

MANILA, Philippines – It’s Week 2 of the national campaign period, and election players are getting more intense – but not always with good results.

A mayor was suspected of orchestrating the arrest of his vice mayor for – hold your breath – “illegal” bingo operations. A senatorial candidate offered to give away iPads, but dropped the online promo and pointed to her volunteers when the Commission on Elections (Comelec) warned it could lead to her disqualification.

And then there was that wrong photo appearing on a senatorial candidate’s tarpaulin at a campaign rally, the opposition’s junking of 3 candidates, and the Twitter word war between the poll chief and a news organization.

Here are Rappler’s choice quotes from the campaign trail the past week:


Separated at birth? 

PICTURE TROUBLE. Quimbo's photo was spotted under the name

– Liberal Party spokesperson and Marikina Rep Miro Quimbo, reacting to a tweeted photo of a poster featuring his picture under the name “Enrile”

Out of context?

– Comelec Chairman Sixto Brillantes Jr chides GMA News for allegedly taking his statement out of context in a news article about campaign expense reports


– GMA Network, in response to Brillantes’ tweets

Abandoned lover

“Like any lover that you have, if you love somebody, dapat magpakita ka rin para tuloy-tuloy ang pagmamahal. Pero pag na-snub ang mahal sa buhay, talagang magagalit din iyon (You should show up so the love would remain, but if you snub your loved one, of course she would get mad) and that’s what happened.”

– United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) senatorial candidate Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri on UNA’s decision to drop its common candidates with the Liberal Party

Free iPad here


– Team PNoy senatorial bet Jamby Madrigal opens an iPad contest in her official Twitter account and faces a possible disqualification case from the Comelec  

Dirty Harry vs former movie star

“We will seek justice. We will not allow tyranny to prevail in Manila. We will fight corner by corner, street by street, barangay by barangay in Manila.”

– Manila’s re-electionist Vice Mayor Isko Moreno, threatening Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim with a lawsuit after he was arrested by the pólice over alleged illegal bingo operations


“’Pag napatunayan mong utos ko ang pag-aresto sa iyo, magre-resign ako. ‘Pag hindi, ikaw ang mag-resign.” (If you can prove I ordered your arrest, I will resign. If not, then you resign.)

– Lim, challenging Moreno to prove his claims that Lim was behind his arrest


‘Team Patay’ vs ‘Team Buhay’


“The gravity of these questions [on the RH law] allows for no political maneuvering. They strike at the heart of the human person and the family and such act is non-negotiable…We call on the faithful not to support any candidate who is anti-life, and to support those who are pro-life.”

– The Diocese of Bacolod, as it announced the names of senatorial candidates that Catholics should not vote for after they supported the reproductive health law  

Compiled by Angela Casauay/Rappler.com

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