House of Representatives

House on ‘heightened alert’ after congressmen receive bomb threats, says secretary-general

Kaycee Valmonte

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House on ‘heightened alert’ after congressmen receive bomb threats, says secretary-general

HEIGHTENED SECURITY. K9 personnel inspect vehicles entering the premises of the House of Representatives as ecurity measures were tightened due to a bomb threat, on February 5, 2024.


Velasco did not name House members who supposedly received messages regarding an alleged bombing planned against the institution, but he says House Speaker Martin Romualdez was not among those threatened

MANILA, Philippines – Security at the Batasang Pambansa Complex is on “heightened alert” after “some members” of the House of Representatives allegedly received bomb threats.

House on ‘heightened alert’ after congressmen receive bomb threats, says secretary-general

Speaking to reporters on Monday, February 5, House Secretary-General Reginald Velasco said they are implementing security measures applied whenever there’s a presidential State of the Nation Address (SONA) due to the ongoing threat.

Velasco did not name House members who supposedly received messages regarding an alleged bombing planned against the institution, but he said House Speaker Martin Romualdez was not among those threatened.

While this is part of “the hazard of [the] job,” as Velasco put it, the chamber started being more strict with the entry of unknown vehicles on Monday.

A memo addressed to House members, their staff, and employees of the lower chamber would be issued regarding rules for outsiders who will be entering the complex, and stricter measures for motorcycles.

“It may affect their work, for instance – we will not allow motorcycles to be parked in front of any buildings and there will be roving security men 24/7 around the premises,” Velasco said, explaining that they had monitored motorcycles “going around.”

This means that for deliveries, representatives of the offices would have to pick up the items at a designated area.

“There won’t be additional protection, it’s just very strict on those entering the premises,” Velasco said. –

1 comment

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  1. ET

    Is this not a “bomb me” plot similar to then-Defense Secretary Enrile’s “ambush me” scheme, a prelude to then-President Marcos Sr.’s declaration of Martial Law? If the People’s Initiative fails, will this be its alternative?

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.