House of Representatives

Lawmakers want to hold accountable those calling for Mindanao secession

Kaycee Valmonte

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Lawmakers want to hold accountable those calling for Mindanao secession

EMPTY CHAIRS. Nearly all lawmakers are present in Wednesday’s plenary session, albeit virtually, resulting in a House floor that lacks physical quorum. Dwight de Leon/Rappler

Dwight de Leon/Rappler

While this is not the first time House lawmakers rejected Duterte’s call for Mindanao’s secession, this would be the first clear warning given to those instigating it

MANILA, Philippines – Nearly 60 lawmakers have signed a manifesto rejecting calls for an independent Mindanao and urging “legal action”diligent prosecution” against those behind the move.

This comes weeks after former president Rodrigo Duterte called for Mindanao’s independence from the Republic of the Philippines. (READ: EXPLAINER: Why Duterte’s sudden call for Mindanao independence won’t fly)

The former chief executive had tapped Davao del Norte 1st District Representative Pataleon Alvarez, a former House speaker, to spearhead the campaign.

While this is not the first time House lawmakers rejected Duterte’s call for Mindanao’s secession this would be the first clear warning given to those instigating it.

“We call for the diligent prosecution of all individuals and entities fostering disunity among our people, blatantly violating our Constitution, and threatening the sovereign integrity of our nation,” the manifesto made public on Wednesday, February 21, read.

The nearly 57 lawmakers – 53 of whom are from Mindanao – also noted that the call to separate Mindanao “betrays our oath of office to support and defend the Constitution, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same, imposing upon ourselves this solemn obligation voluntarily, without mental reservation and purpose of evasion.”

Three partylist representatives also signed the manifesto, namely: Kabayan Representative Ron Salo, PBA Representative Margarita Nograles, and Kusug Tausug Representative Shernee Tan-Tambut. Biliran Representative Gerardo Espina Jr., who hails from Visayas, also joined in signing the manifesto.

“Our stance is deeply rooted in our belief in national unity, the power of inclusive development, and the promise of a peaceful, progressive future for all Filipinos, including the indigenous people of Mindanao,” the manifesto read.

Earlier in February, Camiguin Representative Jurdin Jesus Romualdo suggested that the lower chamber conduct an investigation on Alvarez for his role in the call for Mindanao’s separation and if applicable, start proceedings for his expulsion. He said then that Duterte and Alvarez’s actions are “seditious.”

“Ibang usapin yung violation of oath mo sa session (The violation of oath calls for a conversation separate from secession),” Alvarez said in a Rappler panel discussion on February 9.

“‘Yung secession kasi ang tinitignan nila, parang as a crime, pero kahit paano ko tingnan, basta paulit-ulit kong binabasa ‘yan, tinitignan ko ‘yung elements ng crime of secession, wala naman doon sa mga ginagawa namin (If you take a look at it, secession can be a crime, but no matter how I look at it, I keep reading up on it, I’m looking at the elements of crime of secession, what we’re doing now does not fit).”

Article 139 of the Revised Penal Code notes that sedition is committed by those who go against the government and incite chaos “by force, intimidation, or by other means outside of legal methods.”

Alvarez said they are still raising awareness for their campaign to separate Mindanao.

Lawmakers want to hold accountable those calling for Mindanao secession

However, their independence campaign has not been met positively – even local officials in Mindanao are not too happy with it. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim said Duterte’s call is just for his political agenda. –

1 comment

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  1. ET

    A good idea but will it be realized? Who will do the “legal action” and “diligent prosecution” against those behind the move?

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.