
Grenade blast rocks bus terminal in Batangas

Tina Ganzon-Ozaeta

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Grenade blast rocks bus terminal in Batangas

EXPLOSION. A fragmentation grenade was hurled by an unknown person inside a bus terminal in Laurel, Batangas on Sunday, September 10, 2023.

Batangas Provincial Police Office

Authorities suspect that the incident may be due to a dispute between the bus cooperative and jeepney operators

LAUREL, Batangas – An unidentified individual tossed a grenade into a bus terminal situated in Laurel, Batangas Early on the morning of Sunday, September 10.

Laurel police chief Major Francisco Luceña said at least 9 buses of Magnificat Transport Cooperative suffered minor damages from the explosion.

No one was reported hurt or injured from the incident. Luceña said the explosion may involve a dispute between the bus cooperative and jeepney operators.

“Posibleng may kinalaman ito sa bagong lipat na bus cooperative dito sa Laurel na hindi nagustuhan ng grupo ng mga magta-tricycle at mga jeepney operators at drivers,” Major Luceña said in a phone interview.

(This may involve the new bus cooperative in Laurel not being liked by a group of tricycle and jeepney operators and drivers)

Luceña said the Magnificat Transport Cooperative, which operates passenger buses, was originally established in the neighboring city of Tanauan and eventually transferred to Laurel last July 2023.

A Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization Project was launched by the local government unit (LGU) here, in coordination with Magnificat Transport Cooperative.

Under the new system, drivers will receive a fixed salary and will not have to pay a “boundary.”

The modernized PUV will ply along A.Mabini Avenue in Tanauan to Talisay-Laurel Road and vice-versa and will directly compete with drivers and operators of conventional jeepneys. –

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