Philippine National Police

San Miguel, Bulacan police chief killed in hot pursuit operation

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San Miguel, Bulacan police chief killed in hot pursuit operation

TRAGEDY. The crime scene after San Miguel, Bulacan police chief Marlon Serna is killed in an encounter on March 25, 2023.

Central Luzon Police Regional Office

An investigation is underway, and authorities promise a monetary reward totaling P1.2 million for anyone who will provide information on the suspects

MANILA, Philippines – The chief of police in San Miguel, Bulacan, was killed on Saturday evening, March 25, following an encounter with alleged robbery suspects.

According to the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Central Luzon, Police Lieutenant Colonel Marlon Serna was shot in the head after unidentified gunmen aboard a motorcycle opened fire at cops who responded to a robbery report in Barangay San Juan.

The deadly encounter took place in a dark portion of Barangay Buhol na Mangga.

Serna was brought to the hospital but died while being treated, the Central Luzon Police Regional Office reported.

“This is unfortunate news for us as one of our members was killed in line with our diligent efforts to arrest lawless elements and while nothing can make up for his loss, along with our deepest condolences, we assure his bereaved family that they will get the necessary benefits that is due them,” said Central Luzon police chief Jose Hidalgo Jr.

“No stone will be left unturned,” he added.

Authorities promised a monetary reward for anyone who can provide information that will lead to the arrest of the suspects: P500,000 from the interior department, P300,000 from the police regional office, P200,000 from PNP chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr., and P200,000 from Bulacan Governor Daniel Fernando. –

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