lawyer killings in the Philippines

Female prosecutor killed in Digos City shooting

Ferdinandh Cabrera

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Female prosecutor killed in Digos City shooting

AMBUSH. Scene of the crime after a female prosecutor is killed in Digos City on June 10, 2024.

Inday Hamis

(1st UPDATE) Police arrest the prosecutor's half-brother during pursuit operations, after initial investigation suggested that the gun attack was due to a land dispute

DIGOS CITY, Philippines – A female prosecutor was killed while driving her pick-up truck in Digos City, Davao del Sur on Monday, June 10.

Local radio reports identified the victim as Prosecutor Eleanor dela Peña, who was assigned in Malita, Davao Occidental Prosecutor’s Office.

The incident took place at 5 pm on Monday in Chapter 8, Tinda Aplaya, Digos City.

The car windshield was hit with bullets believed to be from a .45 caliber pistol.

According to eyewitness accounts, the suspect, who was riding a scooter-type motorcycle, committed the crime alone.

Police subsequently arrested a suspect, Dela Peña’s half-brother, during hot pursuit operations, after initial investigation suggested that the gun attack was due to a land dispute, Davao City-based broadcaster DXDC-Radio Mindanao Network reported on Tuesday morning, June 11.

Quoting the chief of police of Digos, Lieutenant Colonel Florante Retes, DXDC identified the suspect as 56-year-old Arnel dela Peña of Purok 3, Talas, Sulop, Davao del Sur.

DXDC reported that the suspect was wearing a black helmet, blue jacket, and pants while riding a motorcycle, matching the gunman’s description given by witnesses and seen in CCTV footage. He also allegedly had ammunition with him.

The Davao City chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) condemned the killing of Dela Peña, who was its former president.

“The heinous act of violence against a dedicated public servant and a former president of the chapter not only shocks our legal community but also undermines the very foundations of justice and the rule of law that Prosecutor Dela Peña tirelessly upheld throughout her career,” it said.

“We call upon law enforcement agencies to take immediate and decisive action. We demand a thorough and swift investigation to bring the perpetrators of this despicable crime to justice,” the group added. –

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