Armed Forces of the Philippines

Marawi siege veteran takes command of Eastmincom in Davao

Froilan Gallardo

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Marawi siege veteran takes command of Eastmincom in Davao

NEW COMMANDER. Major General Jose Maria Cuerpo II iassumes as commander of the Davao-based Eastern Mindanao Command of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on May 31, 2024.

Manman Dejeto/Rappler

Major General Jose Maria Cuerpo II replaces retiring Lieutenant General Greg Almerol in Davao City

CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines – A veteran of the 2017 Marawi siege assumed his post as the chief of the Armed Forces Eastern Mindanao Command (Eastmincom) in Davao City on Friday afternoon, May 31.

Major General Jose Maria Cuerpo II, commander of the Army’s 4th Infantry Division based in Cagayan de Oro, replaced Eastmincom commander Lieutenant General Greg Almerol, who reached the mandatory retirement age of 56.

Cuerpo, however, will continue to serve as the 4th ID commander in the meantime.

NEW EASTMINCOM CHIEF. Major General Jose Maria Cuerpo II, commander of the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, carries a machine gun seized from rebels by soldiers in Bukidnon on May 8, 2024. Cuerpo has assumed his post as head of the military’s Eastern Mindanao Command based in Davao City. Froilan Gallardo/Rappler

The change of command ceremony was held at the Naval Station Felix Apolinario in Camp Panacan, Davao City.

Almerol, who hails from Cagayan de Oro City, served as the AFP’s Eastmincom commander since March 8, 2021, after the passage of Republic Act No. 11939, which amended a provision about the tour of duty of key military officers.

Cuerpo, a member of the Philippine Military Academy’s “Bigkis-Lahi” Class of 1990 and a native of Iligan City, is a veteran in the fight against the Dawlah Islamiyah-Maute Group, a group linked to ISIS, in Mindanao, specifically in Marawi City.

He has been leading the 4th ID in scoring several victories that significantly weakened the New People’s Army in the Northern Mindanao and Caraga regions. –

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