Philippines-Indonesia relations

WATCH: Philippines, Indonesia hold 7th Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation in Manila

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WATCH: Philippines, Indonesia hold 7th Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation in Manila
Watch Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo and Indonesian Minister Retno Marsudi's statements in full here

MANILA, Philippines – For the first time in nearly a decade, the top diplomats of Manila and Jakarta met to convene the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation.

The 7th iteration of meeting took place in Makati City in the Philippines, ahead of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s official visit to the Philippines.

In the meeting, Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo and Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Retno L.P. Marsudi covered a wide range of issues, from cooperation between the two countries, the West Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, the situation in Myanmar, and the plight of Palestinians in Gaza.

Watch Manalo and Marsudi’s statements in full here:

WATCH: Philippines, Indonesia hold 7th Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation in Manila
WATCH: Philippines, Indonesia hold 7th Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation in Manila

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