Negros Occidental

NOCECO urged to fast-track contract with Kepco Selcon for power rate stabilization

Reymund Titong

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NOCECO urged to fast-track contract with Kepco Selcon for power rate stabilization
Irene Viason, lead convenor of South Negros Power Advocates, urges the NOCECO managing committee to quickly fast-track with the Energy Regulatory Commission the power agreement contract with Kepco Selcon to reduce exposure to unpredictable Wholesale Electricity Spot Market rates

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, Philippines – Power consumers and advocates here urged the Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative (NOCECO) to fast-track the power agreement contract with Cebu-based power generator Kepco Selcon, to stabilize the electricity rates within its coverage areas.

Hinigaran town mayor Nadie Arceo stood his ground to join all power consumers in a weekly peace rally to call out the government and NOCECO management to protect every member-consumer-owner (MCO) from high power rates until such time that the power agreement with Kepco Selcon is sealed or a sustainable plan is laid out.

Arceo reiterated his earlier commitment to stand firm, even if it means standing alone against other political leaders in the province.

Irene Viason, speaking on behalf of the power consumers and as the lead convenor of South Negros Power Advocates (SNPA), welcomed the recent decision of NOCECO to waive the penalties on the power bills of the MCOs for May. However, she pointed out the cooperative should not rely on temporary fixes but instead focus on stabilizing power rates.

She urged the executive committee managing NOCECO to quickly fast-track with the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) the power agreement contract with Kepco Selcon to reduce exposure to the unpredictable rates of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM).

The agreement could have prevented the MCOs from paying high power rates for April and May if it had been submitted by the National Electrification Administration (NEA) to the ERC for approval in the last quarter of 2023, she added.

Viason told Rappler on Saturday, June 8, that the agreement between NOCECO and Kepco Selcon was supposedly a proactive measure of former general manager Ray Bustamante and his board of directors against the predicted increase in power rates during the summer season.

However, months after submitting the contract to NEA for ERC’s approval, Bustamante and his board of directors were sacked, she said. 

Meanwhile, Rolly Rosales, Secretary-General of Negros Consumers Watch (NCW), appealed to the government under the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. to address the power problems faced by Negrenses and the entire country to prevent widespread unrest.

He likewise called on all power consumers to mobilize and protect NOCECO as an electric cooperative owned by the people, and not to let the current situation lead to its privatization. –

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