LOOK: New device tracks national athletes’ performance


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SmarTracks allows Filipino athletes to monitor their progress for the 2019 Southeast Asian Games

INNOVATIVE. National athletes look to improve their training regimen with the SmarTracks device. Photo from BCDA release

MANILA, Philippines –  Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and its partner MTD Philippines Inc. recently introduced SmarTracks, a tracking technology that documents performances of athletes real time.

The first of its kind in athletic performance tracking technology, SmarTracks enables athletes and coaches to improve their training by recording vital data on team and individual performances.

Its automated timing system will help athletes monitor their progress and adapt their training more efficiently.

This also eliminates the need for manual tracking by instantly providing information to athletes and coaches.

SEA GAMES READY. The SmarTracks device will be used in the Athletics Stadium in New Clark City. Photo from BCDA release

This new device will soon be used in the Athletics Stadium in New Clark City, and is expected to benefit hundreds of athletes during the Games.

Athletes and coaches from the Philippine athletics team participated in the live demonstration, which was graced by members of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and the Philippine Athletics Track and Field Association (PATAFA).

Sprinters at the demonstration wore a belt with a sensor to accurately measure their speed, number of footsteps and the length of every step on each sprint.

TESTING STAGE. Members of the Philippine athletics team are the first to try SmarTracks at the Philsports track oval. Photo from BCDA release

“It’s great for the morale. Great atmosphere to see the interest, the demonstration and the explanations going on. Our athletes performed well in practices and it was probably the best practice of the season,” said PATAFA head coach Rohsaan Griffin.

“This year’s a big year and so we need as many measurable metrics as we can get to chart our progress.”

The Philippines will host the 30th Southeast Asian Games from November 30 to December 11. – Rappler.com

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