LeBron leads Miami to cusp of NBA finals


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LeBron James keyed a third-quarter run that helped Miami beat Indiana in Game 5 of the East finals.

ONSLAUGHT. James keyed the Miami win anew. Photo from the NBA Facebook page.

MANILA, Philippines — LeBron James starred in a third-quarter push as the Miami Heat creamed the Indiana Pacers, 90-79, in Game 5 of their NBA Eastern Conference finals series Friday, May 31.

The four-time MVP scored or assisted on 25 of the Heat’s 30 points in the third period, where they limited the Pacers to 13 markers. 

James finished with 30 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists while Udonis Haslem and Mario Chalmers provided relief with a combined 28 points as Miami moved just one win away from a third straight NBA Finals berth.

Paul George and Roy Hibbert paced Indiana with 27 and 22 points, respectively, but the two also combined for 8 turnovers. – Rappler.com

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