
Grand Master Eugene Torre emerges as 1st PH pro chess league top pick

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Grand Master Eugene Torre emerges as 1st PH pro chess league top pick

CHESS STAR. GM Eugene Torre takes part in the country's milestone staging of its first professional chess league.

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Grand Master Eugene Torre joins Team Rizal that will see action in the country's inaugural professional chess league

First Asian Grand Master Eugene Torre topped the inaugural Professional Chess Association of the Philippines (PCAP) draft held at the Quezon City Sports Club.  

Torre joined Team Rizal that will see action in the country’s first professional chess league.

GM Rogelio “Joey” Antonio, Jr emerged as the 2nd pick and was drafted by Team Iloilo.

According to PCAP chairman Michael Angelo Ong Chua and founding president and commissioner Paul Elauria, their dreams came true as the league will kick off with 24 teams from across the country.

“The Filipino should play chess. Who manages to survive no matter what the world throws at him? If you train your mind with chess, you will go much farther ahead in life,” shared Filipino chess star Wesley So in a video message in the event.

The Cavite native So now represents the US in major world chess tournaments. –

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