
Hidilyn, Ando target Asian Games podium after failed world bid

Philip Matel

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Hidilyn, Ando target Asian Games podium after failed world bid

BUILDUP. Hidilyn Diaz ramps up her Olympic bid.


After falling short in the World Weightlifting Championships, Hidilyn Diaz and Elreen Ando aim to bounce back in the Asian Games as they also ramp up their bid for Paris Olympics slots

MANILA, Philippines – Weightlifters Hidilyn Diaz and Elreen Ando both fell short of the podium in the recent 2023 IWF World Weightlifting Championships in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Diaz and Ando, who were both competing in the women’s 59 kilogram category, finished seventh and eighth, respectively.

The Philippines’ first Olympic gold medalist lifted 97kg in the snatch, and 127kg in the clean and jerk for a total of 224kg, while Ando, her rising star compatriot, tallied 100kg in snatch and 122kg in the clean and jerk for an aggregate of 222kg.

China’s Luo Shifang starred in the event after carrying a combined 243kg (107kg in snatch, 136 in clean and jerk), while Ukraine’s Kamila Konotop recorded 236kg (106kg and 130kg.)

Luo’s compatriot Pei Xinyi rounded out the medalists in the total category with 232kg.

Diaz competed in the heavier 59kg division in the worlds for the first time after making her mark in the 55kg category during her historic gold-medal run in the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and last year’s world championships.

Ando, meanwhile, went lighter after competing in the 64kg division in Tokyo. 

Diaz and Ando’s weight classes have been scrapped in next year’s Paris Olympics, forcing them both to compete in the same category.

But for the 19th Asian Games this September, Diaz will still compete in the 59kg category, while Ando will revert to the 64kg division in the continental games in Hangzhou, China.

Diaz seeks a spot in the Paris Olympiad via the first tier, which requires her to land on the top 10 of the Olympic Qualification Rankings by April 28, 2024.

She is also required to participate in mandatory competitions such as the world championships to keep her name in consideration. — Rappler.com

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