Twitter seeking input on future policy for deepfakes

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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Twitter seeking input on future policy for deepfakes


Twitter wants your feedback on how it should treat synthetic or manipulated media – photos, audios, and videos 'significantly altered or fabricated in a way that intends to mislead people or changes its original meaning'

MANILA, Philippines – Twitter wants your input on how it should treat manipulated media content.

In a blog post, the company on Monday, November 11, sought to get feedback on how it should treat synthetic or manipulated media, which they define as photos, audios, and videos “significantly altered or fabricated in a way that intends to mislead people or changes its original meaning.”

They released a survey in English, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese, asking users about a draft they’re proposing for treating manipulated media.

The draft of their current intentions for treatment says Twitter may do the following:

  • Place a notice next to Tweets that share synthetic or manipulated media;
  • Warn people before they share or like Tweets with synthetic or manipulated media; or
  • Add a link – for example, to a news article or Twitter Moment – so that people can read more about why various sources believe the media is synthetic or manipulated.

They added tweets – including synthetic or manipulated media – which are misleading and could threaten someone’s physical safety or lead to other serious harm may be removed.

The company added, “For languages not represented here, our team is working closely with local non-governmental organizations and policymakers to ensure their perspectives are represented.” Twitter users can also tweet their thoughts using the hashtag #TwitterPolicyFeedback if they want to engage in the discussion.

The feedback process will be open until November 27 at 11:59 pm GMT, after which they’ll announce any further developments at least 30 days before a policy would go into effect. –

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.