PH Internet pioneer Benjie Tan dies

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PH Internet pioneer Benjie Tan dies
Benije Tan is credited as the engineer who connected the Philippines to the Internet in 1994

MANILA, Philippines – Benjamin “Benjie” Tan, who connected the Philippines to the Internet 25 years ago, died on Thursday, December 26. He was 60 years old. 

Tan died due to lymphoma, or cancer in the lymph nodes, as first reported by and confirmed by Rappler. 

Tan is the engineer who installed the router which allowed the country to go online for the first time on March 29, 1994.

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) paid tribute to Tan and his contributions. “Benjamin Tan is one of the pioneers in linking up the country’s first connection to the Internet,” said the agency in a Facebook post on Friday, December 27.

In March, the DICT featured Tan in a video as part of a series marking 25 years of the Internet in the Philippines. 

In the video, Tan recalled the day when he connected the Philippines to the Internet for the first time, saying it was “a bit nerve-wracking.” 

However, he played down this feat. “As far as I was concerned, it was just another job, so I didn’t see the point of bragging about it.” – Michael Bueza/

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