Windows XP support to end in 2014

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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Windows XP support will cease on April 8, 2014, and Microsoft is reminding users of this eventual fact

XP SUPPORT TO GO. Windows XP will lose its support on April 8, 2014. Screen shot from Microsoft

MANILA, Philippines – Windows XP users will be seeing the official end of support for their chosen operating system on April 8, 2014.

While Microsoft’s support lifecycle policy has been in place for a while now, the company opted to remind people by putting up a website explaining the impact of not upgrading to a more recent operating system.

To put it simply, Windows XP support is going by the wayside, and once that support is discontinued, the operating system will no longer get any patches to address issues. More importantly for companies that maintain Windows XP as their system of choice, the lack of new updates may present an overall security risk for their business.

Users are encouraged on the site to switch to Windows 7 or Windows 8, though a number of other computer operating systems, from iOS, to Linux, to Chromium OS, are also available for newer computers. –

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.