video games

‘Monster Hunter Wilds’ confirms cross-play, reveals new monsters

Chris Garcia, One More Game

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‘Monster Hunter Wilds’ confirms cross-play, reveals new monsters
Meet Balahara and a mysterious new monster in 'Monster Hunter Wilds'

Capcom has revealed a new trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds, showcasing a small snippet of gameplay that features Balahara, a Leviathan species monster that inhabits sandy areas.

‘Monster Hunter Wilds’ confirms cross-play, reveals new monsters

Check out all of the new Monster Hunter Wilds information below:

Balahara – Leviathan

A Leviathan species monster that inhabits sandy areas.

It moves smoothly through the sand with its twisted body and uses mucus secreted from within its body to attack.

The Balahara are desert-dwelling leviathans that use their supple, serpentine bodies to create quicksand traps for unwary prey.

Encounters among monsters

In the harsh environment of the Forbidden Lands, you will witness not only territorial battles between large monsters but also smaller monsters attacking larger ones. By understanding and adapting to the behavior of monsters in such an environment, you can gain an advantage in your hunts. Therefore, be sure to carefully observe your surroundings.

Mysterious large monster

The Forbidden Lands showcases both the richness and harshness of nature. Windward Plains, with its towering crescent-shaped mountain, is another field shrouded in mystery. During bad weather, beware of raging sandstorms and lightning strikes. In the latest footage, a mysterious large monster unleashing electric attacks against a ferocious Doshaguma appears!

Cross-platform play, but no cross-save

Additionally, Capcom has confirmed that cross-platform play will be available for Monster Hunter Wilds, allowing players to pair up with other hunters across all available platforms.

Based on the information from Capcom, while cross-play is available, cross-save will not be present, so players looking forward to jumping from one platform to another and bringing their data with them are out of luck. The game is slated for a 2025 release on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S and X, and Steam. –

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