video games

‘Persona 3 Reload’, ‘Persona 5 Tactica’, ‘Metaphor: ReFantazio’ revealed at Xbox Games Showcase

Vincent Ternida, One More Game

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‘Persona 3 Reload’, ‘Persona 5 Tactica’, ‘Metaphor: ReFantazio’ revealed at Xbox Games Showcase
Atlus' remaster of 'Persona 3' stands alongside a tactical 'Persona 5' spinoff, and a new game sharing the style of the 'Persona' titles

Atlus, a developer known for its immensely popular Persona and Shin Megami Tensei titles, revealed three new titles during the recently concluded Xbox Games Showcase.

Persona 3 Reload is the remaster of the original Persona 3, first released back in 2007.

Scheduled to release in Early 2024, the game will feature the beloved characters from the dark RPG with iconic music and a riveting narrative, along with redesigned character assets and new-and-improved controls.

‘Persona 3 Reload’, ‘Persona 5 Tactica’, ‘Metaphor: ReFantazio’ revealed at Xbox Games Showcase

Persona 5 Tactica is the newest title in the P5 franchise that will see favorite characters and their signature moves return in an all-new tactical RPG that’s scheduled to launch on November 17, 2023.

‘Persona 3 Reload’, ‘Persona 5 Tactica’, ‘Metaphor: ReFantazio’ revealed at Xbox Games Showcase

Previously known as PROJECT: Re FANTASY, Metaphor: ReFantazio is the first game from Katsura Hashino along with composer Shoji Meguro and character designer Shigenori Soejima. It really oozes the same signature style that defined the Persona games and is scheduled to launch in 2024.

‘Persona 3 Reload’, ‘Persona 5 Tactica’, ‘Metaphor: ReFantazio’ revealed at Xbox Games Showcase

All three games have been announced on the Xbox X|S, Xbox One, and PC. They all will be available on Xbox Game Pass on Day 1. –

This article also appears on One More Game, Rappler’s coverage partner for Summer Game Fest 2023.

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