
Comedy rules the PH podcast roost as over 17 million internet-connected Filipinos tune in

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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Comedy rules the PH podcast roost as over 17 million internet-connected Filipinos tune in
While comedy appears to be the most popular podcast type, personal development, culture, and political podcasts were also well-loved among respondents

MANILA, Philippines – A collaborative study done by podcast networks The Pod Network, Anima Podcast, and PumaPodcast alongside research firm The Fourth Wall reveals there are now more internet-connected Filipinos listening to weekly podcasts.

According to the report titled, “Beyond the Headphones: The Portrait of a Podcast Listener as Filipino,” there are now over 17 million internet-connected Filipinos – or 19.8% of the internet-connected population aged 16 to 64 – who tune in to weekly podcasts.

The report used surveys and social listening to survey 850 respondents from October 23 to November 22, 2023. According to the report, the majority of Filipino podcast listeners are millennials aged 25 to 34 who live in urban areas, such as the Greater Manila area.

Respondents in the report noted that the type of podcast most listened to across all demographics was the comedy podcast, with 74% of the respondents listening to them. Personal development podcasts came in at 64%, while culture and political podcasts came in at 55% and 49%, respectively.

The report surmised that the rise of podcasts as a preferred platform was due to users prioritizing accessibility (82%) and convenience (74%) when choosing a media platform.

The report also mentioned that there was a limited range of products and services advertised on podcasts that resulted in conversions to purchases. Among these, streaming services – like a Spotify Premium subscription – had 25.1% of conversions to purchases. This was followed closely by food services at 23.1%.

The 2023 survey cited podcasts as the third most preferred media information platform, second to the internet and social media networks. There was a difference in the number of respondents from the 2020 iteration of the survey, which had 439 respondents compared to 2023’s 850.

The study findings were presented during an April event hosted by the three podcast networks,

John Brylle Bae, The Fourth Wall’s research director, said the growing popularity in the Philippines of podcasts is akin to the trend behind podcasts growing globally as leading sources of information.

“Our research has found that the majority of podcast audiences tend to listen to podcasts after work or school hours, when commuting, or while doing household chores. This pattern is in line with global trends where podcasts serve as a preferred source of both entertainment and information. Audiences choose podcasts for their ability to seamlessly integrate into daily routines, offering a unique mix of engaging and informative content,” said Bae.

Alan Fontanilla, CEO of The Pod Network, said meanwhile said the growth of podcasts in the Philippines provides advertisers and marketers with an additional way to reach audiences.

“We are at an intersection in the evolution of media consumption in the Philippines. As more Filipinos tune into podcasts for their unique blend of entertainment and information, we see an invaluable opportunity for creators and advertisers alike to engage with an audience that values depth and accessibility.”

The full report is available on this page and is listed under “Philippines Podcast Listeners Research 4Q 2023.” – Rappler.com

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.