social media platforms

Meta restores Donald Trump’s access to Facebook, Instagram


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Meta restores Donald Trump’s access to Facebook, Instagram

EX-PRESIDENT. Former US President Donald Trump announces that he will once again run for US president in the 2024 US presidential election during an event at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, US November 15, 2022

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Trump's accounts are reinstated two years after the Capitol Hill riot in January 2021

Meta Platforms Inc. has restored former US President Donald Trump’s access to Facebook and Instagram, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone confirmed on Thursday, following a two-year suspension after the deadly Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2021.

Meta in January said it would lift Trump’s suspension “in the coming weeks” and would institute heightened penalties of a suspension between one month and two years if the former president violated its content policies again.

Trump now regains access to key platforms for voter outreach and political fundraising ahead of another run for the White House in 2024. He had 23 million followers on Instagram and 34 million on Facebook as of January. –

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